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Click the articles below to learn about the latest developments in restorative science and healthy living.

Click the articles below to learn about the latest developments in restorative science and healthy living.

stressed out woman rubbing her temples

What Are Some of the Signs of a Hormone Imbalance?

This may be due to a hormone imbalance, which can affect the body in ways other than being moody or having a poor libido. In women, losing estrogen may cause sleepless nights or poor cycles of sleep when they go through menopause. Estrogen assists the body in temperature regulation, meaning that if the hormone is …

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Using PRP to Treat Hair Loss

If hair follicles get damaged or if hair growth and shedding disturbance happen, it can lead to hair loss. This is also attributed to disorders such as alopecia, which causes hair to fall out in patches and can affect men and women. The study involved a trial with results published in the Journal of Dermatological …

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woman laughing with her head tilted back

Hormone Treatment May Improve Mental Health

Hormones can start to drop as a person ages, resulting in issues such as decreased libido or impaired immune function. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is an effective way of maintaining healthy levels of hormones and improving overall well-being. Some new research also provides evidence of how postmenopausal women might benefit from hormone therapy. A …

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woman shaking out her long pink hair

Improve Overall Wellness with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

The hormones of the body are largely responsible for controlling many of its basic bodily functions. They function as a communication system of sorts, allowing cells to communicate with each other and coordinate processes like digestion and growth, immune function, a person’s libido, and even your mood. Hence, even the slightest hormone imbalance may result …

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