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Attractive couple of a certain age relaxing on the beach

Common Hormonal Changes in Aging Adults 

Many adults look forward to their golden years as a time for retirement and enjoying life, but when they get there, they find themselves feeling more uncomfortable and depressed than ever before. These issues are often caused by hormonal imbalances, many of which are common and treatable.  If you’re over 40 years old and have …

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woman smiling at herself in the mirror

Why Does Skin Wrinkle as You Age?

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of life. But have you ever stopped to consider why your skin wrinkles as you age? Read on to learn about wrinkle formation with age, what you can do to prevent them, and how the various services offered at PMN Health and Wellness can help you get rid of existing …

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Fitness woman jumping outdoor in urban environment

Vitamin B12 Injection: What it is and Why You Need One

Vitamin B12 injections have grown in popularity throughout the years. Today, they’re offered as part of weight management therapy, and by general medicine practitioners throughout the world, such as PMN Health and Wellness. But what is a vitamin B12 injection, and why do you need one? Read on to learn more about vitamin B12 injections …

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Picture of girl fighting off germs

3 Little Known Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction

More than 50 million Americans have allergies–it’s a common ailment with a range of symptoms that vary by individual and allergen. Seasonal or environmental allergies are common, often producing sniffling, stuffy noses and red, itchy eyes. Foodborne allergies to eggs, nuts, shellfish, and peanuts are also common. These allergies tend to produce hives, inflammation, and anaphylaxis.  Those …

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4 Ways to Look and Feel Younger

Aging is an inevitable process that slowly takes our energy, youthful glow, mental acuity, and physical mobility. Many of us would jump at the chance to feel a little better or look a little younger. There are a myriad of treatments–some that have been around for millennia, that can help slow the visible signs and …

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3 Reasons (Beyond Counting Calories) Why It’s Hard to Lose Weight

Almost three-quarters of Americans are overweight. A sedentary lifestyle, refined carbohydrate-dense diet, and ultra-busy schedules can lead to a lifelong struggle with weight. The thing about weight loss is that it’s a little more than counting calories or swapping fries for a salad. There are dozens of individual factors that affect metabolism.  Let’s take a look at …

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3 Reasons to Get Preventative Health Screenings

Going to the doctor when you have an ailment is second nature. However, when we should be seeing our general physician is well before something comes up. Preventative health screenings are designed to proactively monitor your health with insights from a medical professional trained to notice things that you might not. Preventative medicine includes annual wellness …

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Sun and Laser Hair Removal

In some cases, the hair removal is even permanent. However, hair on the body plays a crucial role in protecting it against sun damage. Harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can cause skin cancer or damage the cells in your skin. Sunburns usually happen because UV rays destroy the outer layer of your skin, …

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How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

On certain parts of the body, laser removal may cause permanent or near-permanent removal. On the face, the results won’t be permanent, but it will take time for regrowth to occur. Even when hair regrows in the area, the thickness and length tend to be much more controlled than before removal. For some clients, the …

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Benefits of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can plump up your lips, smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate your skin, all of which can help you look younger. If you’ve been thinking about getting dermal filler but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, check out these benefits of dermal fillers. You’ll Almost Immediately See the Benefits Let’s face it, when …

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